Build Design Skill with These 6 Project Ideas

Build Design Skill with These 6 Project Ideas

Want to level up your work? Build design skill with these six killer project ideas!

Are you a graphic designer looking to enhance your design skills and take your creativity to the next level? This list of projects is exactly what you need!

Building design skill is an ongoing process that requires practice and exploration, so in this article, we’ll look at six exciting project ideas that will not only inspire your creativity but also help you develop and refine your design skills.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned designer, these projects will challenge you to think outside the box and expand your design horizons.

Let’s get into them!

Typography Exploration

Build Design Skill with These 6 Project Ideas - Example of Typography Design

Image by Aleksandar Popovski via Dribble

Typography plays a vital role in graphic design, and mastering the skill of using words, fonts, and typefaces effectively will significantly elevate your design projects.

Challenge yourself to create a series of typography designs that explore different font combinations, styles, and layouts. Experiment with various typefaces, sizes, and weights to convey different moods and messages. Focus on balance, hierarchy, and legibility to create visually stunning and impactful typographic compositions.

Brand Identity Redesign

MGNS LDN Brand Identity design by me, see more here.

Choose a well-known brand and reimagine its identity through your unique design perspective. Research the brand's history, values, and target audience to gain insights. Then, develop a new logo, colour palette, and visual elements that capture the essence of the brand while giving it a fresh and modern look.

Pay attention to consistency and scalability, ensuring that your redesigned brand identity reflects both creativity and functionality. Remember, branding is so much more than just a logo, so think about the icons, photography, social content, and everything else.

If you want to go the extra mile a develop a presentation for your new brand identity, you can use this FREE template to get up and running right away!


Infographic Creation

A collage of infographics created by Samuel J. Stroud

A range of infographics created by me, for both this blog and Explore Books.

Infographics are powerful tools for visual storytelling. Select a complex topic or data set and transform it into an engaging and informative infographic. Focus on presenting information in a visually compelling manner, using illustrations, icons, charts, and graphs.

Strive for clarity, hierarchy, and readability, ensuring that your infographic effectively communicates the intended message while captivating the audience's attention.

If you have a blog, creating infographics as companion pieces to your articles can be an excellent way of making use of these design projects by creating a usable product! Infographics are also great for SEO!

User Interface (UI) Design

Build Design Skill with These 6 Project Ideas - Example of UI/UX Design

Fitness app mockup by Outcrowd on Dribbble.

UI design is an essential skill for graphic designers working on digital platforms. Choose an app or website concept and design its user interface from scratch.

Consider user experience (UX) principles, intuitive navigation, and visually appealing aesthetics. Pay attention to layout, colour schemes, typography, and interaction elements. Aim for a seamless and delightful user experience that enhances usability and engagement.

Not sure how to get the most out of your UI designs? Check out these weird and wonderful UI/UX tips here!

Packaging Design

Skincare product concept by Kahaf – Design Agency on Dribbble.

Packaging design combines creativity and functionality. Pick a product category and create packaging designs that will stand out on the shelves. Consider the product's target audience, brand identity, and marketing goals.

Explore different shapes, materials, and finishes to create a visually striking and cohesive packaging solution. Focus on storytelling through visual elements, captivating imagery, and persuasive copywriting.

Once you’re done with your packing designs, you can find a whole range of free, high-quality mockups here to showcase your work.


Environmental Design

Build Design Skill with These 6 Project Ideas - Example of Environmental Design

Wayfinding system by Jordan Mahaffey on Dribbble.

Expand your design skills beyond the digital realm by tackling an environmental design project. This could involve creating signage, wayfinding systems, or experiential installations for a specific location.

Consider the space, target audience, and purpose of the design. Explore how your design can seamlessly blend with the environment, evoke emotions, and enhance the overall user experience, whilst also providing some form of function, be that signposting to different locations within a building, or adding a splash of colour to an otherwise dull space.



Building design skill requires continuous practice and experimentation. By undertaking these six project ideas, you can enhance your creativity, develop new techniques, and expand your design capabilities.

Embrace the challenges, explore different design aspects, and push the boundaries of your comfort zone. Remember, each project is an opportunity to grow as a graphic designer and unlock your full creative potential.

So, grab your tools, unleash your imagination, and embark on a journey to build design skills that will set you apart in the world of graphic design.

You can also use your finished projects in your portfolio to showcase your skills to potential clients. When you’re finished, learn how to write appealing case studies here!

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