Samuel J. Stroud

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How to Make Your Instagram Content More Savable

The number of saves that your Instagram posts receive is one of the most important factors when it comes to measuring success, and also one of the main determining factors that will decide whether or not your content makes it on to the Explore page.

I highly recommend you have a quick read of this article to find out why saves are so important!

Because saves are important, you need to be aiming to make your posts as savable as possible.

Check out the quick list below for a brief overview, then the more detailed descriptions after the fold:

Pack in Value
Cram your posts full of value that your audience can use. A good rule of thumb is to leave the most important aspects until the last few slides.

Stay Organised
Break down your content into simple, easy-to-follow steps.

Make it Visual
Instagram is a super visual platform. Make your posts easy on the eye and enjoyable to digest.

Build Concrete Checklists
Everyone loves a checklist. By including these at the end of your content, your audience has a reason to come back to your content.

Be Immediate and Actionable
Get straight to the point with your posts. Don’t beat around the bush. Make your content punchy, immediate and actionable.

Embrace Evergreen Content
There are tons of problems that everyone has that aren’t likely to go away. Create content around these.

Add Keywords to your Cover
Don’t underestimate the power of keywords. Things like “How to X”, “Why X” and “The Secret to X” are always good performers.

Go Deeper in the Caption
The caption should support the content. Don’t skimp on this vital element of your post. Pack it full of value.

Leverage the Power of Suggestion
Don’t be afraid to ask someone to save your post. Sometimes people need a little bit of convincing.

If you keep all those things in mind as you create your Instagram content, you’ll be sure to see your post saves start to climb!