Samuel J. Stroud

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The December Poster Roundup

We’re back with another roundup!

December was another interesting month for the posters project. I tried to experiment with type a lot more, as well as doing some things that I hadn’t tried before.

049 – What a Mistake

If I remember rightly, this was in response to either something that I did personally, or maybe something that I saw in the news. I do that a lot. I like this one! I like that the overall theme of “mistake” is reflected in the distorted type and washed-out textures.

050 – Smile

This is another one that I quite like. It’s a style that I hadn’t worked with before, but I think it came out pretty well. Eagle-eyed people will see the smiley face sticker from some previous posters.

055 – Ignite

This originally started as a photomanipulation of the earth (rendered in Cinema 4D) and a skull. When I added the black and white, and threshold layers on top, I actually preferred that, hence the final poster that you now see.

058 – Untitled

I don’t know with this one. I was digging through the different assets that I have saved in my library. I found these two in some old American comics and decided that I wanted to use them. It doesn’t have any real meaning, but I quite like it regardless.

061 – Untitled 3

This, I think, is going to be the start of some cool experimental posters. It was interesting to play around with texturing purely in Cinema 4D, so I’ll be looking to do some more of that in January!


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