The February 2021 Poster Roundup

February 2021 Poster Roundup.jpg

It’s time for another roundup of posters added to the Instagram Collection during February!

There wasn’t a huge focus on 3D posters this month. I instead just wanted to create whatever came to my mind, rather than picking a tool and working with it. Whilst I like most of the posters that came out of this, the final work isn’t nearly as diverse as January. Oh well, we move!

079 - Dream Big

S3 079 - OCT2020 - Dream Big.jpg

Always loved super simple designs like this. It’s quite surprising how effective a simple bit of Photoshop masking can be. I genuinely love this one!

082 - Beauty

S3 082 - OCT2020 - Beauty.jpg

This was created with a mix of Photoshop and Cinema 4D. I wanted to see what effect a glass distortion would have on a face. I think it looks pretty cool!

084 - Shock

S3 084 - OCT2020 - Shock.jpg

Can you tell I didn’t have any ideas when I made this one? 😉

086 - Laser!

S3 086 - OCT2020 - Laser!.jpg

089 - Dazzle!

S3 089 - NOV2020 - Dazzle.jpg

I made the mistake of adding too many reflections and textures to this. The animated version (which you can see on Instagram) took over 20 real-time hours to fully render. And after all that, I forgot to add the white border!


If you or your business needs some bespoke graphic design, please feel free to get in touch here, or via email at


Free Wallpaper for March 2021


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