The November Poster Roundup

November Poster Roundup

It’s time for another poster roundup!

November had more of a focus on experimentation. I feel that I explored a lot of different styles in the posters that were published this month.

From collage art and photo manipulation to 3d design and minimalism, there’s a broad selection to pick from for the November Roundup.

032 – Interconnect

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I said in the last roundup that I wanted to work in Cinema 4D more in November, so it only made sense to kick things off with a 3D poster!

What I love about this is the colour scheme. I adore the dark background with a super vibrant focal point. This is something that I want to explore a lot more in the coming months!

034 – Composition 01

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I saw a similar style poster on Pinterest and felt super inspired by it! Something about the mix of simple shapes and the unusual colour scheme really appeals to me. I’ll be playing around with this style a bit more!

035 – The New Wave & 038 – Kinda Unstable

These two are being put together because they are of a very similar style, and even have an element that crosses between the two.

In terms of composition, I think they’re okay. If we’re all being honest, these two are nothing special. I do, however, like the repetition. It might not be something I’ll explore too often, but I’ll be going back to it at some point.

039 – Traverse

S3 039 - AUG2020 - Traverse.jpg

Now this one, I like. I think at some point in the future of Season 3 I’ll create a run of posts in this style. I think that there’s a lot more that can be done with this. Watch this space!

040 – Marilyn

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What I can’t understate is just how long this took to make. The problem wasn’t so much the flowers, but more so the texture. I always spend a long time getting the texturing perfect, and for some reason, it took way longer on this one than usual.

It does look pretty cool though!

042 – Stretched Thin

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This is another one that took a super long time!

It was made in Cinema 4D, so the whole thing had to render. I think the problem I had was that were way too many polygons in the mesh. Probably could have gotten away with using 40% less. But, the finished poster good, I think.

044 – Swim, 045 – Isolation & 046 – Isolation 2

It makes sense to put these all together.

I’m not sure what it is, but something draws me to this ultra-minimal style of poster. It’s almost like there’s nothing to hide behind, in a sense. I also love the stark juxtaposition of the black on white (or chrome on white for Swim.)

Expect to see some more in this style, because I really like playing around with it!

November Summary

Overall, I like what was published in November! So far, I haven’t done too much with typography in Season 3, so I think in December I’ll try to do some more with that. Keep an eye out for those in the coming days and weeks!


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