Top 5 Tips for Writing Powerful Conclusions (Number 4 is VITAL!)

Top 5 Tips for Writing Powerful Conclusions

Writing powerful conclusions for your online articles is essential, especially in 2023.

Did you know that research has shown many readers of online articles will immediately scroll right down to the bottom to read the conclusion? It’s believed this is being done so they can determine, through the conclusion, whether or not reading the full article is worth their time.

So, what does that mean for those of us who write and publish content online?

It means that we need to be smart about how we formulate our article conclusions. We need to be smart about what we’re writing. And, weirdly, we need to accept that conclusions, whilst summarising our articles, also act as a secondary hook to get people interested in reading the whole thing.

Weird, but the game’s the game.

In this article, you’ll learn my five top tips to help you write powerful conclusions for your online articles!

5 Tips for Writing Powerful Conclusions!

1 – Make it Short

Articles tend to be long, so by the time your reader is at the end, they don’t want to be greeted by another huge chunk of text.

Ideally, keep your conclusions to a maximum of two paragraphs, any more than that and you run the risk of your readers tuning out.

Two paragraphs should be more than enough to…

2 – Summarise Everything

Your conclusion acts as a final “wrap-up” for your article.

As your reader comes to the end, they want to see a summary of everything they’ve learned, or could learn, by reading your article.

Your conclusion shouldn’t contain any new information, but should rather recap the article’s main points in new words. You should be looking to use your conclusion to reinforce the main idea.

3 – Recommend Something

If your readers have enjoyed your article, there’s a chance they may be interested in checking out something else. Your conclusion is the perfect opportunity to send them in the right direction.

If you have other articles that are related to the topic, link them in the conclusion with a note about why you think it’s worth your readers’ time.

Additionally, if you have anything to promote – an online course for example – the conclusion is a great opportunity to let them know all the details, and why they should make a purchase from you.

4 – Call it a Conclusion

This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s something that a lot of writers overlook.

I’ve seen plenty of writers call the conclusion something like “My final thoughts…” or “What Next?” Whilst these are fine, they’re not exactly clear.

When we think back to the introduction of this article, and people scrolling all the way to the bottom just to find the conclusion, they want to be able to find it quickly.

Giving your conclusion a different title, like the above, runs the risk of being too difficult to find when the reader comes looking for it.

For me, it’s always best to clearly title your conclusion section, as this makes it clear and straightforward for the reader. And, it rounds off the article nicely.

5 – Ask a Question

If you have comments enabled on your blog, adding a question at the end of your conclusion is a surefire way to get people involved in the discussion.

Asking questions stimulates critical thinking and discussion, as well as sparks conversation between the different readers who have found their way onto your website.

To take this to the next level, as questions throughout the article. If one question doesn’t entice your readers to engage with you, there’s a chance another one will.


So what happens when you have to write a conclusion for an article all about conclusions? Maybe the universe collapses in on itself? We’ll see…

We now know that the conclusion of an article is the perfect opportunity to summarise everything your readers have learned, recommend them more content, and some questions too.

Because people often scroll all the way down to the conclusion to determine whether or not an article is worth their time, you can’t afford to ignore this essential article feature!

Want to keep learning? In this article, you can learn my simple, 7-step framework for creating amazing articles that your readers will love!

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