Samuel J. Stroud

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Why Are Instagram Saves So Important?

We’re all used to gauging the success of our Instagram posts by their like, comment and share counts. The usual measurement of success is seeing how high these three metrics are. The higher the numbers, the more successful the post, right?

Well, kind of yes, and kind of no.

An often-overlooked metric when it comes to measuring success on Instagram is the number of saves that a post has received.

Think of post saves as a super-like.

A save is the true indicator of how much value your Instagram content is providing to your audience, and is one of the main determining factors deciding whether or not your content will make its way into the Explore page.

Why is this?

Because in the mind of the Instagram algorithm, a post save is the most accurate measure of a post’s quality. It sees a save as someone essentially saying “I like this post so much that I’ll come back to it later.”

The power of posts saves shouldn’t be underplayed. It should be the number one metric that you’re aiming for when creating content for Instagram.

Generally speaking, this is what you want to be achieving:

  1. Get more saves

  2. Appear on the explore page

  3. Reach more people

  4. Increase profile visits

  5. Gain more followers

If you want to take your Instagram posts to the next level, I’m available to create bespoke, high-quality content that will get you saves! Get in touch here!