Why Should You Hire a Freelance Graphic Designer?

Why Should You Hire a Freelance Graphic Designer?

When it comes to standing out in an ever-growing and overly saturated market, there’s nothing more important for your brand than having high-quality, eye-catching graphic design.

Many larger companies have in-house design teams that are constantly working on their brand image, as well as coming up with new ways to market the business. This is a luxury that very few small businesses can enjoy. Because of this, small businesses often need to outsource graphic designers, as per their need.

When it comes to outsourcing, businesses have the choice of two options. They can either; hire a design agency, or hire an individual graphic designer.

Freelancers are Cost-Effective

Usually, the first thought of any logical business owner is the cost. Hiring a freelance designer sounds like it could be expensive, right?

Freelancers, as opposed to design agencies, are individual contractors. This means that they don’t need to maintain an office, or pay staff, or deal with many of the other costs that come with running a business.

Essentially, this means that the operational expenses of an individual are much lower than that of a multi-person business or agency. This lower operational expenditure is in effect passed onto the clients and customers, in the form of lower service prices.

It should be noted that in almost all cases, freelancers will be cheaper than agencies. This isn’t just the case in graphic design. Social marketing, video creation, product photography and a wide range of other services will all, for the most part, be cheaper when provided by an individual freelancer.

Communication is More Effective

When the times comes to discuss with your freelance graphic designer the project, they’ll need to understand your expectations, as well as your company’s mission and vision so they can accurately portray it through the design products they create. Because these conversations are one-to-one with the designer themselves, nothing gets lost.

Typically, when working with a design agency, your point of contact within the company isn’t the person who will be creating your designs. This means that whatever you communicate will travel through a channel within the company to the graphic designer, which can lead to some of the message being omitted, lost, or simply forgotten, distorting the whole process and the final result.

Flexible Working Hours

There may be times where you need to have some graphic design jobs completed urgently. When situations like this arise, more often than not a freelancer will be the answer to your problems. The flexibility of working hours is not only a luxury for the freelancer, but it’s also a huge benefit for you too.

Design agencies, like any other business, will have its own office culture, with fixed working hours during the day. It would be very hard to get an agency to complete an urgent job over the weekend, or during odd hours in the night.

The benefit of a freelancer is that they’re their own boss. This means that they’ll, more than likely, be happy to adjust their personal routine or schedule to make a place for an urgent job or a new client.

Faster Delivery

Every agency, be that design or otherwise, has a structure in which work flows through it. As we saw during the communication stage, you likely won’t be speaking directly to the designer when working with an agency, and as such it likely won’t be the designer who sends you your final designs either.

The process of having a job completed becomes unnecessarily long when working with an agency, which is due to the chain of people involved. Your initial conversation won’t be had with the designer, nor will the communication of any required changes be held directly with the designer either. Whilst this process is in place because it works for the agency, it will delay the delivery of the final product.

With a freelancer, you’ll receive the products almost immediately after the designer has finished working on them. And in addition, should you want any tweaks or edits, you can send comments directly, and the designer can make the changes right away.


These are just some of the reasons why you should consider hiring a freelancer to create design work for your business, brand, or project. Most of the time, when it comes to needing graphic design, a freelancer is the best option!

If you need high-quality graphic design for your business, please feel free to get in touch today to discuss your options!

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