Free Wallpaper for November 2020

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It’s that time again!

Created with Maxon Cinema 4D and Adobe Photoshop, this is one of the most abstract free wallpapers that’s been published. This is only the third, but still!

On a side note, it’s definitely an interesting process converting existing designs into an elongated wallpaper format. In some that I’ve tried, it definitely makes the entire thing a lot worse (which is why you’ll never see them here) but with others, it improves the design. At least that’s what I think, anyway.

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Personal Update

For the longest time, I’ve been interested in zines. If you don’t know what they are, I’ll give a quick description: Zines are essentially self-published magazines about a given subject. Some are super popular, whilst others are just made for the creator to enjoy.

Anyway, I’ve been a part of a few productions of zines, but never worked on one entirely on my own, which is something that I’ve wanted to do for a while.

So I’ve been working on that for a while. I think I’ll eventually make some blog posts about it, explaining how it was made and things like that. I don’t have any plans to actually publish or sell it, but you never know!

Business Update

The client work mentioned in the October update has all been finalised and signed off! So now, for the time being, I’m going to focus on rewriting the service pages and what not, because those are still lacking right now.

I also have loose plans to switch website hosts, because as much as I love Squarespace, it doesn’t have amazing CMS tools. This would involve migrating all the blog posts over to a new system, I’m assuming WordPress, which I’m not too keep on doing just yet. So that’s on the backburner for now.


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