The October Poster Roundup

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With me making, and posting to Instagram, so many posters every month, it felt a shame to not do something more with them.

So starting with October, I want to start looking at each poster created in that month. I suppose this is a way to evaluate what I’ve made, and maybe set some goals for the next posters I’ll make.

I won’t include every poster that was created, because that would make a very long post, and nobody wants that. Instead, I’ll just pick out the highlights, either ones that I think were particularly good, ones that were particularly bad, or ones that have a style I want to expand on and explore further.

014 – Climb

If I’m being honest, I don’t like this one. I was very into it when it was being made, but looking back with a fresh pair of eyes, it’s really not that interesting. I think, if this were to be remade, I’d maybe work on spacing out the flags in a neater arrangement. I do, however, like the colours used.

019 – EclipsE

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This is great! Handsome and modest, I know.

I really like the simplicity of the circular design, but the somewhat jarring effect the small amounts distortion brings to the table. I definitely want to explore Cinema 4D a lot more in the coming weeks/months.

To me, Eclipse is one of October’s standouts!

021 – Refract

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Much as the same with Eclipse, I really love the glass/distortion on this one. For whatever reason, I’ve always been drawn to small focus points in posters (something that you can see across seasons One and Two) so Refract is really interesting to me.

Plus, I think the glass mixed with the glitch effect makes something both visually appealing and interesting at the same time.

025 – Vacation

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Up until this point, I hadn’t made a collage design for a while. Whilst I do very much like this poster, I think more could have been done with it. Perhaps the colour grading could have more attention paid to it, to make the two scenes blend better. But with that being said, I do want to explore collage more in Season Three.

028 – Descent

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I very rarely have an idea of what I want to make when I start working on a poster for this project. Never is this truer than in Descent.

If I remember rightly, this was initially going to be stairs, but I messed something up in C4D, which resulted in Descent being created. Happy accidents aye!

030 – Repetition 2

This is the start of (I think) some more abstract Cinema 4D exploration. If I were to make this again, I think I’d try to put a greater contrast between the light and dark tones. That would look cool. However, I do like the result of this.

031 – Disruption

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Personally, I think that more could have been done with this to make it a bit more visually appealing. However, with that being said, I do like the overall look of this poster. Maybe some more glass added into the mix would make it a bit more interesting.

October Summary

Overall, I’m pretty happy with what was published in October! I’m a fan of the experimentation that happened, which is something that I’ll definitely be continuing in November!


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