Where Should I Share my Blog Posts?

Blog - Where Should You Be Sharing Your Blog Posts.jpg

In the early days of blogging, simply posting to your website was enough. But with so many people, brands and businesses publishing content every single day, you can no longer do this.

Your website is just one, single place where people might find your content.

To ensure the highest chance of people reading your work, you need to be putting it on as many different platforms as possible. Doing this will not only get your work more attention but will also help to build more backlinks.

So, where can you do this?


Medium is one of the best, and one of the most used, platforms to republish and reshare your blog content to. This platform allows you to import posts directly from your website, so you don’t need to manually copy-and-paste the content onto the platform. Just upload the link and you’re good to go!

A good strategy for Medium, however, is posting snippets of your blog posts, certain aspects that you want to highlight, then provide a link that users can follow to see the full thing on your own website.


Reddit can be a huge resource for pulling in page views, but it needs to be done correctly. Reddit users (Redditors) are very attuned to brands and businesses posting (what they consider to be) spam.

When posting your blog links to Reddit, you need to be hyper-sensitive in checking that the communities you’re posting to will receive value from your work. I’d also recommend only posting a few times per month, and from an account that you keep active.

The take-away from this is that if you don’t already use Reddit, and/or have no interest in the platform, don’t just join and start posting your links. It will not go down well.

LinkedIn Articles

LinkedIn, much like Medium, allows you to syndicate your existing blog posts onto their platform, linked directly to your personal LinkedIn profile, in the form of LinkedIn Articles.

If you already have a good number of connections on LinkedIn, then you’ll more than likely start to see some interaction right away. A big advantage of using LinkedIn is that users can subscribe to your Articles, meaning that they will receive a notification every time you post. Another benefit is that is isn’t required for them to be your connection to subscribe to your articles, so there’s a big opportunity to cultivate an engaged audience on LinkedIn.

Social Media

This one goes without saying, but posting to sites like Facebook and Twitter can be huge for getting eyes on your blog posts (and another great way of building backlinks!)

If you have an existing following on any of these accounts then, again, you’ll more than likely see some immediate engagement.

A lot of us have busy schedules and don’t have time to send out links on multiple social media platforms, but that’s not a problem. By using tools like Sprout Social and Hootsuite, you can schedule your articles to be sent out at certain times.

Why not take advantage of this and spend a few minutes writing multiple tweets to be sent out over the following weeks/month?

Twitter Chats

If you’re part of a group chat on Twitter (and let’s face it, most of us are part of a few) a great way to get eyes on your content is by sharing links into these chats.

Keep in mind that simple copy/pasting your links into a chat is a sure-fire way to get yourself removed. Be sure to ask for feedback on your work each time, and reciprocate when another person posts their own, and try not to send too many links in quick succession!

Groups like this, when used correctly, can be hugely beneficial for all involved, both as a way of getting more views onto your work, as well as a learning and collaboration tool.

Facebook Groups

Like Twitter chats, Facebook Groups are brilliant ways of getting people to see, and give feedback on, your content.

Facebook Groups tend to be extremely niche, so if you can find one that suits your blog topic, then your links will likely be well received. But don’t post into random groups that have no relevance!


Creating content is super hard, as you, so you want to get the most mileage out of your post as you can.

By taking an extra hour or so and converting your blog post to a carousel, it can be posted on Instagram! Carousels like this work well on LinkedIn, too!


Pinterest is a FANTASTIC place to share your content! Take a few minutes to create an eye-catching image for your blog post, then pin away!

You can pin your blog links to your own board, or make use of shared boards to increase your chances of getting more views!

To Summarise

There are plenty of places that you can share your content around the Internet. However, you should always try to be an active participant on these platforms, not just spam links when you have a new post.

A person who is active, and provides value and insight to communities, is going to be much better received when they post their own links!

Are there any other topics that you’d like to see covered here? If so, then please let me know via the contact page, and I’ll see what I can do!

As you can see from being on this site, I’m also a freelance graphic designer, so if you need help with any projects you’re working on, I’d be more than happy to get involved! I’m currently available for both short and long term hire. 

Thanks for reading!


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