How to Actually Network as a Graphic Designer


Not sure how to network as a graphic designer? This guide will give you concrete steps on how to do it correctly.

Networking is a term that strikes a lot of us with fear. Not only does it evoke images of awkward conversations in a room full of people who don’t want to be there, but it can also feel a little… fake.

But the reality is that networking, whilst it’s gotten a bad rep as of late, doesn’t have to be awkward or fake. It can be an experience that’s enjoyable and brings benefits for everyone involved.

Networking has become an essential part of the job of any professional, and graphic designers are no exception to this. Building a strong network can open up numerous opportunities, from finding new clients and collaborators to staying updated with industry trends.

In this article, we’re going to look at how you can effectively network with other graphic designers, including practical methods and techniques.

Why is Networking as a Graphic Designer Important?

Have you heard of networking, and always wondered what the fuss was about? Maybe you’ve thought why would I intentionally want to speak to people I don’t know? If this is the case, then the next section will be beneficial.

We’re going to explore why networking as a graphic designer is important, and the tangible benefits it can bring to your work, your career, and even your personal life.

Expanding Your Client Base

Working as a freelance graphic designer means working with clients. You need to be constantly acquiring new clients if you’re to make freelancing a viable career.

So one of the major benefits for a freelance designer is that networking allows you to meet potential clients and expand your business. Many freelancers rely on word-of-mouth referrals, and a strong network can lead to more projects and a steady stream of work.

Looking for ways to incentivise your existing clients to spread the word about your business? Set up a referral programme!

Collaboration Opportunities

Collaborating with other creatives can lead to exciting projects and new learning experiences, as well as grow your audience on social media.

Networking will help you find like-minded individuals and teams to work with, broadening your horizons and skill set.

Collaborations often result in higher-quality work and can introduce you to new techniques and ideas that you might not have encountered on your own.

Staying Updated with Industry Trends

You don’t need me to tell you that the graphic design industry is constantly evolving. It feels like every week there are new design trends to work with.

Networking with other designers and industry professionals helps you stay on top of the latest trends, tools, and technologies, ensuring your skills remain relevant. This is invaluable if you want to remain competitive in the world of freelancing.

Gaining Support and Advice

It goes without saying that the more graphic designers you know, the more people you have access to when you need advice. Building a support network can become an incredibly valuable thing to have when you need help.

Additionally, the feeling of being in a community of like-minded people can be particularly beneficial for freelancers who might otherwise work in isolation.

If you’re looking to join an existing community of graphic designers, the Design Collective Discord will welcome you with open arms!

The Guide to Networking as a Graphic Designer

Two graphic designers working together

So now that we know why networking is so important, and we’ve explored the many benefits it can bring to your freelance design business, it’s time to look at how to actually do it.

Networking, when you’re not used to it, can sound pretty scary. On top of that, there’s the connotation that it’s all a little bit fake, and that to network, you need to be disingenuous.

But honestly, networking can be an enjoyable experience. The main thing you want to do is shake off the feeling that you’re “using people” to build a network or get work or whatever. You need to focus on wanting to build relationships with like-minded people, and showing a genuine interest in their work, projects, and passions.

Below you can find some ways in which you can make networking enjoyable!

Attend Industry Events

Pretty much every industry in the world will have events you can attend and meet other people in the same profession as you.

These are fantastic opportunities to meet other designers, potential clients, and industry leaders. And even better, these events often include workshops, talks, and specific networking sessions that can help you gain new insights and make valuable connections.

  • Research Local Events: Look for design conferences, workshops, and meetups in your area. Websites like Eventbrite and Meetup often list such events.

  • Participate Actively: Engage in conversations, ask questions, and share your insights. This helps you make meaningful connections.

  • Follow-Up: After the event, follow up with the people you met through email or LinkedIn to maintain the connection.

There are always plenty of graphic design events going on. For example, you can check out upcoming design events on Eventbrite. Keep in mind that many of the larger design events, like the London Design Festival and the Birmingham Design Festival will take place in cities. This, naturally, means that you may have to do some travelling to attend.

Utilise Social Media

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Behance are powerful tools for networking. They allow you to showcase your work, connect with other professionals, and stay updated with industry news.

Getting involved with conversations surrounding graphic design, commenting on projects from other designers, and engaging with the various trends that come up can help to showcase your expertise and make new connections.

Additionally, social media can be a good tool to help showcase your expertise in general. By creating content about graphic design (like I do, shameless plug) you can show potential clients and connections that you know your stuff.

  • Build a Professional Profile: Create a strong LinkedIn profile showcasing your portfolio, skills, and experience.

  • Join Design Groups: Participate in LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, and even Reddit communities focused on graphic design.

  • Engage Regularly: Share your work, comment on others’ posts, and participate in discussions to increase your visibility.

Collaborate on Projects

With so much of a designer’s client base coming from word-of-mouth referrals, collaborating with other designers and professionals can open up new opportunities, as well as allow you to learn from others.

Whether it’s a small side project or a larger commercial endeavour, collaboration can lead to innovative work and strengthen your portfolio. To boot, it demonstrates your ability to work well with others, a valuable trait in the eyes of potential clients.

  • Seek Out Collaboration Opportunities: Look for collaborative projects on platforms like Behance or Dribbble. Even social media can be a good place to find other designers to work with.

  • Reach Out to Peers: Connect with other designers whose work you admire and propose collaboration on mutual interests.

  • Offer Your Services: Volunteer for community projects or non-profit organisations to gain experience and build your network. There are many charities and non-profits out there who desperately need the help of designers to create advertisements and promotional materials.

Create and Share Valuable Content

Sharing your knowledge and expertise through content creation can help you establish yourself as an authority in your field. In turn, this signals to others that you’re a valuable person to have in their network.

Blogs, social media content, and newsletters can help you to reach a wide audience and attract potential clients and collaborators. Consistently providing valuable content helps you build trust and credibility.

  • Start a Blog: Share your insights, tutorials, and design process on a blog or YouTube channel. Here’s a guide to my seven-step framework for creating content online.

  • Post on Social Media: Regularly share your work, design tips, and industry news on platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn.

  • Engage with Followers: Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and build a community around your content.


Networking is a vital part of building a successful career as a graphic designer. It’s an essential part of meeting, and working with, like-minded people.

By actively participating in industry events, leveraging social media, collaborating on projects, and continuously building your professional relationships, you can expand your client base, stay updated with industry trends, and enhance your reputation.

Want to take your design business to the next level? Determine your value proposition before you do anything else!

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