Level Up Your Routine with these Productivity Hacks [Infographic]


Productivity hacks can help us dramatically increase the amount of work we can get done each day, and If you’re anything like me, you pride yourself on having high levels of productivity. Getting all of today’s to-do list done, and most of tomorrow’s too, is something we always aim for.

Or maybe you’re wanting to become more productive, but don’t know how to keep yourself going. Either way, all of us can sometimes use some tips and tricks to ensure we keep working, and keep on top of those to-do lists!

The Productivity Hacks

Don’t Multitask

It’s a cliché one, but also something that can’t be understated. When you’re splitting your attention between multiple projects, you’re pretty much guaranteeing that you won’t be able to complete any of them to a high standard.

As brutal as it sounds, those who claim they can multitask often produce sub-par work.

Avoid multitasking at all costs, instead focusing on one job at a time.

This is also essential if you want to improve your ability to concentrate for extended periods of time.

Work in bursts

Our brains can only remain focused for so long. And after our brains get bored, our minds begin to wander. This leads to us not giving our full attention to our work, often resulting in mistakes, errors, and more.

The simple way to fix this is by working in bursts. There’s a system called the Pomodoro Method that says you should work in 25-minute bursts, and then rest for 5. Whilst working for less time may seem like you’ll end up being less productive, you’ll actually find it easier to get much more done throughout the day.

Learn more about the Pomodoro Method here.

Take breaks

This leads on nicely from the point above.

Working all day long without taking any breaks is a sure-fire way to burn yourself out. Be sure to take regular breaks throughout the day at intervals that work best for you.

The Pomodoro Method outlined above suggests bursts of 25 minutes, however if you’re able to remain focused for an hour, do that, and then take a longer break.

The reality is that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to productivity, so do some experimentation to see which methods, techniques, and frameworks work best for you.

Remove distractions

One thing that we can all benefit from, however, is removing distractions from our work environments.

In our increasingly digital world, we feel that we need to be contactable, and “in the loop”, every minute of every day. However, the cost of this is a constant stream of distractions and dopamine-triggering apps that pull us from what we should be doing.

A simple way of fixing this is putting your phone in a drawer, or even better, a different room, whilst you’re working. It’ll feel weird the first few times, but once you see your productivity increase, you’ll wish you did it sooner!

Removing distractions is one of the twelve essential time management principles that everyone needs to know.


Productivity hacks give us simple, actionable ways to improve our productivity without having to make dramatic lifestyle changes. In this article, you’ve learned about the importance of removing distractions, why you should work in bursts, and much more.

Now if you want to take your productivity to new levels, I’ve outlined a whole bunch of different systems, methods, and frameworks to help you achieve more…

You can learn all of these techniques in my productivity course, available on Gumroad!

The Productivity Hacks Infographic

Save the full infographic with all the productivity hacks mentioned above!

Level Up Your Routine with these Productivity Hacks - Full Infographic

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